How To Train Your Neural Network.

Courtesy of : DreamWorks Animation Hey guys!!! Hope you are doing well. We are back with our new article in Mind Tech. I think already you have a clue about the content of this article. Today we are going to tell you the process behind ‘training of a neural network’. Once you go through this article you will be able to know what happens in training of your neural network. Let’s start. Learning process of NN…... During the training time of neural network and after the training period, input data is fed to the input neurons of the input layer. Subsequently input data is passed to hidden neurons situated in between input neurons and output neurons. At that stage activation functions are applied and some neurons are activated by the activation function. These activated neurons function in the process of propagating the data throughout the network via connected channels. This is known to be ‘Forward propagation’ of neural net. If you need to know more about NNs, refer our a...